5 Reasons to Have a Garden

Growing a garden requires a lot of time and effort, but you will be rewarded with fresh fruits and vegetables. A garden can have a positive impact on both your physical and mental health. If you are thinking about starting a garden, here are five reasons to convince you it is the right hobby.

1. Starting a Garden Makes You Feel Productive

If you have a lot of free time on your hands and don’t feel as if you have a purpose, gardening is a great way to feel more productive. It takes time to set up a garden, so the initial process of planting will make you feel productive from the very beginning. You’ll need to make sure that you have enough space on your property for the kind of garden you want to start. If you’re in the market for a new home, look for one with a larger backyard that gets plenty of sun.

One of the first choices you must make is how you want to set up your garden beds. Once you have your seeds planted and your garden prepared, you still have to spend a lot of time watering the plants and harvesting the fruits and vegetables when they grow.

2. Working In a Garden Gives You Plenty of Vitamin D

According to one survey, 42% of people are deficient in vitamin D. This nutrient is crucial for life, and although you can support deficiencies by taking supplements every day, the best way to combat this issue is to get plenty of vitamin D from the sun. Working in the garden is a great way to get more exposure to the sun’s rays so that you can soak in vitamin D.

3. A Garden Cuts Your Grocery Bill

Fruits and vegetables are often expensive in grocery stores. If you are on a strict budget, you may have to forego expensive produce in favor of more cost-efficient processed foods. If you’re growing your own food, you can cut your grocery bill. It may be more of a cost upfront when you prepare the soil and plant your seeds, but the yield is often better than the initial expense. 

If you have food left over, you can always preserve it for the winter or you could start a small business where you sell your produce or preserves at a local farmer’s market. That way you will actually make money from your garden in addition to saving on groceries. Plus, some of your household and gardening expenses become tax deductible once you formally establish your business.

4. Foods From Your Garden Are Healthy

Foods from your garden are healthier than those that you find in grocery stores. You don’t use any chemicals or pesticides to grow your food, so there is less chance of developing sickness from eating it. Growing your own food is also a great way to promote healthy eating. You are more likely to reach for a piece of fresh fruit or a vegetable for a snack instead of a sugary treat if you keep healthy foods on hand. An additional bonus is that these healthy foods give you extra energy while reducing hunger.

5. Gardening Gives You Exercise

You may not think of gardening as a form of exercise, but because it involves a lot of movement and heavy lifting, it can be as beneficial as walking or running daily. It gives you plenty of exposure to fresh air and keeps your body moving so you can maintain young, healthy joints.

Enjoy the Benefits of Gardening

Starting a garden is a great hobby for many people. Whether you are looking for a way to keep your kitchen stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables or you want to improve your mental and physical health, these five reasons should convince you to start a garden today.

Photo via Pexels